Q1.What makes you qualified to care for my scale/shell/feather babies?
Great question! I am a mom to almost 20 of these amazing creatures, but it takes more than love to be a good caretaker. Before I discovered the Master Herpetologist program, I did my own research and also picked the brains of the amazing vets who took care of my gang when we were living in the northeast. Since then, I have earned a certificate as a Master Herpetologist through the Amphibian Foundation based in Atlanta, Georgia!
I have also run a pet sitting business for 25+ years in the Boston area and I know animals and can also think on my feet. I have dealt with medical emergencies for decades, having run the business but also having had my own babies for years as well.
Q2.Will I care for your pets that are illegal here in Florida?
No. In the interest of keeping SquaMates professional and completely above board, I will respectfully decline inquiries for care of animals prohibited by Florida law. A few examples that spring to mind are Burmese pythons, Argentine tegus. These are strictly prohibited by law and I will not be able to care for them lawfully.
Q3.Will SquaMates care for hots (venomous animals)?
Yes, if you can provide your permit to keep these animals, issued by the state of Florida after about 1,000 hours of training and education, I would be very comfortable and honored. Please consult the Florida Wildlife & Conservation page for the most current rules.
Q4.Your place or mine?
I am completely equipped to care for your baby in my home! But if you are located within the city limits of Saint Petersburg and prefer I make house calls while you are away, I am happy to do so.
Q5.Do you have any special equipment?
YES! I have mercury vapor bulbs, heat mats (UTHs), ceramic heat emitters (CHEs), UVA bulbs, UVB bulbs, a variety of substrates in the event something gets soiled (which it always does!), a number of backup enclosures just in case, and various and sundry miscellaneous items essential to care.
Q6.What forms of payment do you accept?
Cash, Venmo, and Zelle. In an effort to hold down costs for clients, I will not be accepting checks or credit cards because of high transaction fees.
Q7.What happens next after I hire you?
After I am hired (thank you very much), I will be asking you to sign a waiver stating that your reptile is in good health at the time of boarding and that I would do whatever was medically necessary to save your pet’s life.